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  1. Alicia Healey while studying abroad in Iceland

    Alicia Healey '18 tells us how Simmons is preparing her for a career in biomedical research. What made you make the move to come to Simmons? I first heard about Simmons from my aunt who was an adjunct professor in...

  2. Students eating in dining hall.

    Professor Rachele Pojednic, Professor Elizabeth Metallinos-Katsaras, and Exercise Science major, Kaitlyn Lapeyre '18 share some tips on staying healthy during the semester! 1. Drink plenty of water "Replace at least one caloric beverage with water. By replacing these beverages with...

  3. Maggie Belfi at Pride Parade

    2018 class president, Maggie Belfi, reflects on her experience as a political science major. Why did you choose to study political science at Simmons? I wanted to strengthen my analytical research skills as well as learn more about diplomacy. Because...

  4. Headshot of Molly McDonald

    Molly tells us about the importance of getting involved and becoming a student leader at Simmons. What made you make the decision to come to Simmons? As a transfer student, I wanted to make sure my transition was going to...

  5. Mary Coletti at the Grand Canyon

    Mary tells us about her experience transferring to Simmons. What is your major? I'm in the exercise science & physical therapy program. What made you make the decision to transfer to Simmons? Simmons was the only school that I applied...

  6. Main College Building on Simmons' academic campus.

    Transferring to Simmons is easier than you think — check out four myths about switching schools! Transferring is too complicated We understand that the transfer process might seem daunting. Here at Simmons, we take a personalized approach to the transfer...

  7. Headshot of President Helen Drinan

    President Drinan shares her thoughts on the recent tragedies in Puerto Rico and Las Vegas. It seems that almost daily, a tragedy or situation occurs in our world that deserves a message to our community. As I was finalizing a...

  8. Emma Mullen at the Grand Canyon

    Emma tells us how the Honors Program takes her education to a new level. How did you choose your area of study? Helping people every day and interacting with patients are both big factors that attracted me to the field...

  9. Headshot of Kristie Thomas

    Professor Thomas tells us how Simmons is commemorating Domestic Violence Awareness Month. What inspired you to pursue your academic discipline? I've been committed to anti-violence work for as long as I can remember. I chose to pursue an MSW and...

  10. Main College Building on Simmons' academic campus.

    The School of Social Work received $1.8 million to prepare social workers for professional placements in underserved areas Our renowned School of Social Work (SSW) was awarded a $1.8 million federal grant that will help clinical social work students prepare...