Student Story

Seniors Share: My Simmons Memories 2022

Headshots of Graduating Members of the Class of 2022
Photo of Graduating Senior Livic Inoa '22

New Friendships

"I made my very first Simmons friend at accepted students day, and coming into Simmons I was able to become good friends with her and her roommates. To the point where I felt comfortable inviting myself into their Christmas Gift Exchange…It was the first time I had actually done gifts for Christmas in my life and we got to exchange them along with letters in South 316. It really meant more than anything to give cheesy speeches and exchange words of kindness!"

Livic Inoa '22

Photo of Graduating Senior Beyza Erdem '22

Alternative Spring Break

"Joining the Health Equity Alternative Spring Break program where I met some of the most amazing people. I loved going out to the city of Boston, exploring issues that need to be addressed and engaging in great discussions with my group. Thank you all for an amazing week."

Beyza Erdem '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Mia McGillicuddy '22

Campus celebrations

"One of my favorite memories from Simmons was actually my first time as an Orientation Leader. I made so many new friends and felt a sense of belonging at Simmons from being part of a great team of people."

Mia McGillicuddy '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Katie Cole '22

"There are so many. I met some of my best friends in first-year orientation bingo. Every time I'm in the radio studio and broadcasting with my friends. All the Simmons Voice meetings. Soirees. Almost-midnight-breakfast before finals. Sitting on the res quad reading. Having rice bowls in Common Grounds with my friends. All things I'm going to miss so much when I graduate."

Katie Cole '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Maddie Short '22

"May Day! One of Simmons' longest-running traditions is May Day, which is celebrated with flower crowns, a strawberry shortcake breakfast, and the traditional maypole dance. This is my Simmons moment in two capacities: I took my first tour of Simmons over May Day weekend and got to see the campus all dressed up for spring and for the festivities. Bartol was covered in flowers, and it made the community feel even stronger. I'm in the dance company, so when I was a first-year I decided to participate in the May Day maypole dance and experience the community-feel firsthand."

Maddie Short '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Sara Getman '22

"I have so many amazing memories from Simmons, but my favorite has to be the pumpkin carving event that the Honors Program hosted in October. I always enjoy spending time with other honors students and goofing around with Professor Grossman and Professor Geary."

Sara Getman '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Sarah Mariski '22

"My favorite memory of Simmons is the annual soiree event. My friends and I participate in the campus activities board and help plan the logistics. Last year, it was at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, and the year before, it was on a boat sailing the Boston Harbor. I definitely miss being on campus this year."

Sarah Mariski '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Jenny Huynh '22

Great Accomplishments

"My favorite Simmons memory was celebrating with my friends after my speech at Convocation. I was super nervous about making a speech, but even more nervous about it being my last first day of college! My friends watched me deliver my speech, and we all got to celebrate afterward!"

Jenny Huynh '22


Photo of Graduating Senior Sarah DeFanti '22

"It's so hard to pick just one! I have so many fond memories of getting curly fries at Bartol Late Night and last-minute group study sessions in the library. I think one of my absolute favorite Simmons memories would be speaking at this year's Undergraduate Symposium. I've always considered myself more introverted and struggled with public speaking. Presenting my work in a different language at an event like the Symposium was not something I ever thought I'd do. But Professor Pelaez, who teaches some of my absolute favorite classes at Simmons, reached out and asked me to present my final project from "Spanish Culture As Seen Through Film." I was so excited and so scared at the same time, but it was such a cool experience that took me out of my comfort zone."

Sarah DeFanti '22

Photo of Graduating Senior Kylie Collins '22, '23MPP


"I'm a member of the Simmons softball team and have loved being on the team. In particular, our team traveled to Florida last spring break and played ten games throughout the week. It was hard to hear that our season had been canceled during that trip, and we wouldn't be returning to campus, but we had such a great time and rallied around each other all week long."

Kylie Collins '22, '23MPP


Photo of Graduating Senior Cori Szabados '21, '22MSW

"My Simmons moment is "team dinner" at Bartol right after practice with the Simmons Gymnastics Club. Joining Simmons Gymnastics was one of the best decisions I made my first year, and it's allowed me to make friends I likely wouldn't have met otherwise. Our "team dinners" are special to me because they feel super laid back but at the same time make me feel like I am part of something I love, which can be said about Simmons as a whole."

Cori Szabados '21, '22MSW


Photo of Graduating Senior Molly Blackwell '20 '22DPT

"One of my favorite Simmons memories is the time I spent as a member of the Simmons University Dance Company (SUDC). I have been dancing since I was 3 years old and wanted to continue dancing in college. SUDC allowed me to keep doing something I love without being too stressed. The three or four hours a week I spent dancing with SUDC were always something I looked forward to and that I knew would relieve my daily stress. I will never forget how much fun I had in rehearsals and performing every semester as well as the lifelong friends I have made through SUDC."

Molly Blackwell '20 '22DPT