Center for Faculty Excellence Advisory Committee

Committee Charge and Activities

The purpose of the committee is to provide advice, guidance, and support to the CFE in its mission of promoting faculty excellence at Simmons. Through their role in this group, committee members will have a voice in the types and topics of professional development opportunities offered by the CFE and can share colleagues’ ideas and needs for specific types of programming and support.

Committee Activities Can Include

  • Providing input into programs and topics offered by the CFE.
  • Helping to promote CFE events to colleagues in respective colleges/schools/departments.
  • Providing input into the selection of guest keynote speakers.
  • Reviewing applications and selecting participants for some application-based opportunities offered by the CFE.
  • Invitations to attend special events, such as dinner with guest speakers.
  • Sharing guidance, advice, and ideas on a variety of topics.

Current CFE Advisory Committee Members

Gary Bailey photo

Gary Bailey

Professor of Practice and MSW Program Director

Cherie Ramirez photo

Cherie Ramirez

Associate Teaching Professor

Laura Saunders photo

Laura Saunders

Professor and Associate Dean of SLIS

Eugenia Knight headshot photo

Eugenia Knight

Associate Professor of Practice and Director of MSW Practicum Education

Lisa Brown photo

Lisa Brown

Professor, Nutrition Co-Chair, and Director of the Dietetic Internship Program

Naresh Agarwal photo

Naresh Agarwal

Professor and Director of Information Science & Tech Concentration