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  1. Anisha Srivastava standing by a presentation

    Simmons University has been designated a Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity Education by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security. This prestigious designation recognizes Simmons' excellence in cybersecurity education and its commitment to advancing the field through research and outreach.

  2. Photo of Yunxin Li

    This spring semester, Professor Yunxin Li is participating in the North Star Collective as a Faculty Fellow. The fellowship offers engagement opportunities for BIPOC faculty members from a variety of New England institutions. Li reflects on how the North Star...

  3. Photo of Kelly Marchant

    Associate Professor of Practice Kelly Marchant received the Award for Excellence in Nursing Education from the American Nurses Association. "I try to remember what it was like when I was in nursing school, trying to learn these concepts," says Kelly...

  4. Photos of the six award winners

    Six seniors across the University have been selected as recipients of the 2023 Senior Scholar Award, in recognition of outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

  5. Headshot of LaDonna Christian

    LaDonna Christian has been awarded the Mary A. Manning Nurse Mentoring Award for her work supporting the Dotson Bridge and Mentoring Program at Simmons. Established by the American Nurses Association Massachusetts, the award is given annually to a nurse who has established a record of outreach to nurses in practice or students pursuing a nursing education.

  6. Photo of Nanette Veilleux

    On March 17 at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) in Toronto, Professor of Mathematics, Computing, and Statistics Nanette Veilleux received the Computing Research Association-Education (CRA-E) Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award . This award recognizes faculty members...

  7. Passionate Leaders Project Students Spring 2023

    The Passionate Leaders Project (PLP) supports Simmons undergraduates by enriching their academic and professional interests beyond the confines of the classroom. Students may request up to $4,000 to support their research, internships, and creative endeavors. This semester's cohort is producing...

  8. Photo of Teresa Fung

    Every March, National Nutrition Month encourages Americans to reflect on the importance and transformative potential of healthy eating and exercise. Published every five years and based on cutting-edge nutrition research, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) provides nutritional advice for...

  9. The main campus building at Simmons University

    The annual Senior Scholar Award is presented to six graduating seniors in recognition of outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

  10. Photo of SURPASs Summer 2023 Cohort.

    These students will gain hands-on research experience in their field of interest, including: critical reading of literature, acquiring and interpreting data, learning relevant technology, writing, and presenting before an audience.