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  1. A collage of portraits of ten of the twelve Simmon University SURPASS Scholars for 2024

    Twelve undergraduate scholars from different disciplines have been selected to join the Summer Undergraduate Research Program at Simmons (SURPASs), a highly competitive, fully funded research and mentorship program. During this six week intensive, students will work with a faculty mentor to execute an independent research project of their own design and development.

  2. Nanette and Raneem

    Raneem Emad Amer Mousa ’25 is pursuing the Dual-Degree in Engineering Simmons offers in collaboration with Columbia University. Her research project, “Is ChatGPT the Academic Catalyst We’ve All Been Waiting For?” was accepted for inclusion in the SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2024.

  3. Adriana Lizeth (“Liz”) Campuzano Martinez ’24

    Computer Science major Adriana Lizeth (“Liz”) Campuzano Martinez ’24 shares a bit about all of the ways she was involved on campus — from hackathons to being a Resident Assistant to hosting a radio show. She also shares what it was like for her as a first-generation international student.

  4. Headshots of the 2024 Senior Scholar Award winners

    The annual Senior Scholar Award is sponsored by the Provost's Office and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships. The award recognizes six graduating seniors for their outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

  5. Lynne Passanisi

    What made you choose to study Mathematics at Simmons? Simmons had a great, small, close-knit community, with the bonus of being in the larger city of Boston — it had a little of everything! When I first visited Simmons, I...

  6. Pictured: Students visit the MIT Museum: Raneem Mousa, Michelle Doroteo-Alvarez, Giselle Yang, Christine Felt, Leensyn Asmen, Minh Anh Bui

    Simmons University is officially partnered with Washington University in St. Louis in the Engineering 3+2 program, in addition to Columbia University. As part of this program, students complete three years of course work at Simmons, followed by two additional years at a partner institution, earning both a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Bachelor of Science from Simmons.

  7. Photo of Nanette Veilleux

    On March 17 at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) in Toronto, Professor of Mathematics, Computing, and Statistics Nanette Veilleux received the Computing Research Association-Education (CRA-E) Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentoring Award . This award recognizes faculty members...

  8. Eliot Stanton

    Data Science major Eliot Stanton '22 was chosen as a keynote speaker at the Undergraduate Symposium. Stanton will present their research paper, “Binaries in Binary: Harmful Consequences and Radical Possibilities of Technology for Trans Liberation.” What made you choose to...

  9. Headshot of Nanette Veilleux

    Veilleux was selected by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Computer Society’s Awards Committee and the Society’s Board of Governors to receive the 2022 IEEE Computer Society Mary Kenneth Keller Computer Science and Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award.

  10. Alyssa DiLisio

    “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do,” recalls Alyssa DiLisio '16, who came to Simmons as a chemistry major. “I realized chemistry wasn’t for me and switched to math. I thought I wanted to be a teacher, but that...