Getting Started
Agencies with Advanced Year interns will receive an email in late spring, confirming the name(s) of the student(s) we have listed as placed in your setting. Other important information is included in this communication: placement start date; CORIs; medical tests/immunizations and Seminar in Practicum Instruction.
Confirmation of Year I interns will be sent in a separate email in the summer. At that time all agencies will receive additional intern information, the name of the advisor, the practicum calendar, registration for Seminar in Practicum Instruction (SIFI), our online Practicum Manual and Practicum Education Forms. Please review the materials, including the Practicum Manual, prior to the commencement of your student's internship. The Practicum Manual contains policies, roles and responsibilities of students, practicum instructors and agencies, assignments and forms pertinent to the practicum placement.
We kindly request that agencies send us supervisor names and contact information as soon as they are available. This information is essential for us to send you all pertinent documents and communication.
Which days are students in Practicum?
- Year I students are typically in practicum Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Year II and Advanced Standing students are typically in practicum Mondays, Thursdays and either Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.
- For more information about the Program Options available to MSW students in practicum, please visit
our Program Options page.
Will students have any practicum orientation prior beginning their placements?
- An Orientation to Practicum Learning for all incoming students is held prior to the SSW's official Year I placement start date. Topics covered include use of supervision, Process Recordings, and a general introduction to safety in practicum.
What should be covered in an agency based orientation?
- It is expected that agency staff will offer an orientation to the setting, its services, its safety procedures and its policies for their students. Additionally, when appropriate, an orientation to the community should be provided.
How many hours of supervision are required?
- A minimum of one hour per week is required for clinical supervisory meetings/instruction with each student and their primary supervisor. Group supervision is encouraged; however it cannot replace the required one hour of clinical supervision/practicum instruction.
What is the Process Recording requirement?
- All students complete five Process Recordings per semester of their practicum placement.
- Students are expected to begin to complete Process Recordings within the first three weeks of placement. In some situations students may not yet be engaged in direct client contact. Process Recordings can be based on phone conversations, meetings, shadowing, etc.
- Supervisors must also plan to allot time for reading and providing feedback on Process Recordings on a regular and consistent basis.
Simmons School of Social Work
On Campus Practicum Education Department, Management and Academic Building, Suite C-420

Eugenia Knight
Associate Professor of Practice and Director of MSW Practicum Education

Jeannine Chester
Associate Professor of Practice and Associate Director of Onground MSW Practicum Education

Erika Peter-Harp
Associate Professor of Practice and Assistant Director of Onground MSW Practicum Education

Celia Arias
Assistant Professor of Practice and Onground MSW Practicum Education Specialist

Olivia Montgomery
Associate Professor of Practice and Onground MSW Practicum Education Specialist