Residence Campus Mailroom
The Residence Campus Mailroom handles the receipt and delivery of mail and packages for all resident students and administrative offices on the residence campus. Our staff is committed to the efficient and secure handling of your mail and packages.

If you are living in one of the Simmons residence halls you will be assigned a mailbox and will receive your mail in the Residence Campus Mailroom. You can also use the Residence Campus Mailroom for sending mail and shipping packages.
When you move out of the residence hall the mailroom will also help you forward your mail to your new address.
How to address mail to students
Correctly addressing the envelope or package is the most important aspect of any mailing. Mail without the proper address format may not get to the University or may be substantially delayed.
To facilitate efficient sorting and processing, use this address format to send mail and packages from off-campus:
Student Name
Simmons University MSC #
54 Pilgrim Road
Boston, MA 02215-4173
MSC = mail stop code
Student Mail Guidelines
- Please do not use residence hall addresses to send mail or parcels to the campus.
- Do not use the terms post office box or P.O. Box when giving out a campus address.
- The Residence Campus Mailroom will not accept mail or packages for you until you are residing on campus. Please do not have boxes shipped to campus prior to your arrival.
- Please do not send cash through the mail.
Checks and Postal Money Orders are safe, convenient and economical alternatives to sending cash through the mail. Money orders can be purchased and cashed at any Post Office as well as from any rural route carrier. Postal money orders are available for any amount up to $1,000 and restricted to a daily purchase limit of $10,000 per customer. Money orders are replaced if damaged, lost or stolen.
Student Mailbox Policies
We inspect all mailboxes before they are issued to students. Once assigned, care for your mailbox and its contents are your responsibility as long as you are living on the residence campus. Do not leave your box open while unattended, and do not give your combination to anyone.
Where do I get my mailbox assignment and combination?
Your mailbox assignment and combination are available at the Residence Campus Mailroom.
Residence Campus Mailroom Services
Getting your belongings home is convenient and affordable!
- Ship your UPS packages from the Smith Hall Mailroom
- Save an average of 10% from UPS Store rate
- Convenient — on campus location
- Boxes in a variety of sizes are available for purchase
- You will receive a tracking number to monitor the progress of your delivery
- Payment can be made by Fenway or Credit Card
After the US Postal Service makes its delivery to Residence Campus, the mail is sorted by mail stop code (MSC) throughout the day.
How will I know if a package has arrived?
The Residence Campus Mailroom accepts packages for resident students from the US Postal Service and all major couriers. When a package is received, it is scanned into our system and an e-mail is sent to your Simmons e-mail account. If we receive a perishable item for you, such as flowers, we will also leave you a message in your voice mailbox so you may retrieve it as soon as possible.
How do I claim my package?
You must come to the Mailroom with your valid Simmons University identification card and provide a signature upon picking up your package. Only you can claim your packages.
What about emergency deliveries?
If you are expecting an emergency package delivery, please stop by or call the Mailroom to alert us, or to check on its arrival.
You should have your mail forwarded to your new address upon graduation, or if you plan to move off campus.
Before you formally check out of your Residence Hall, fill out the online form or a forwarding address card at the Mailroom and notify your friends, family, and business contacts of your new address as soon as possible. If you do not fill out a forwarding card, your mail will be returned to the sender.
We will forward your mail for six months after you withdraw from campus housing. After this, it will be returned to the sender. If you have any questions regarding the mail forwarding form, please contact the Residence Campus Mailroom at 617-521-1078.
When will the mailroom begin forwarding my mail?
We will begin forwarding your mail on the “Date of Withdrawal” date you list on the forwarding card. If you do not include a date of withdrawal, we will begin forwarding on the day you submit the forwarding card.
Will all of my mail be forwarded?
We will forward all first class and non-profit mail, periodicals, and non-registered US postal packages for up to 6 months. All other packages will not be accepted by the Mailroom and are subject to the courier’s policy for final destination.
Unendorsed bulk mail will be handled in accordance with USPS postal regulations. Unendorsed bulk rate mail is defined as a condition in which the sender does not assume financial responsibility for forwarding if the person is not at the original address. Therefore, the Mailroom is not able to forward this mail. Endorsed bulk mail is where the sender exclusively pays for the forwarding and includes labels that read “forwarding postage guaranteed,” “return postage guaranteed,” or “address correction requested.” The Mailroom will forward this endorsed bulk rate mail.