Campus & Community

Simmons Celebrates Grand Opening of New Multicultural Center

Lisa Smith-McQueenie and Helen Drinan hold ribbon as Nasyria Taylor cuts it to open the Multicultural Center

Students, faculty, staff and alumnae/i gathered to commemorate this historic event.

On January 31, Simmons celebrated the grand opening of the Multicultural Center, a new space that offers advocacy, programming, and resources in regards to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

"This moment is truly groundbreaking," said Nasyira Taylor '19, President of the Black Student Organization. "I hope the center will be a hub for students of color on campus and that all of us find a sense of community in the space. This center is the representation of the struggles of underrepresented people. This is where we are centered." 

The speaking program also included remarks by President Helen Drinan; Lisa Smith-McQueenie, Assistant Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion; Noha Elmohands, Director of Multicultural Student Affairs; Morgan Ward '16, former President of the Black Student Organization (BSO); and Celina Fernando '19, from the Like Minds Coalition.

Lisa Smith-McQueenie was honored with the first Multicultural Community Award for her commitment to equity work at Simmons; this award will be given annually. 

The center functions as a multipurpose space for programming, studying, and socializing and includes the Director of Multicultural Affairs' office. 

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