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  1. An assortment of raw vegetables. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

    Professor Teresa Fung was quoted in two recent articles fact-checking claims on the harm of consuming vegetables and how to assess the safety of ultra-processed foods.

  2. A whole cooked turkey on a cutting board

    Just in time for Thanksgiving, The New York Times published a feature on the nutritional benefits of consuming turkey, which quotes Professor of Nutrition Teresa Fung.

  3. Photo of a sandwich wrapped with a tape measure.

    Professor, and Ruby Winslow Linn Endowed Professor, Nutrition Co-Chair, and Director of Didactic Program in Dietetics Teresa Fung was quoted in the NBC News article, "How much protein do you need to eat each day? On TikTok, the answer always seems to be more".

  4. A table of food, all components of a Mediterranean diet, such as fruits and wine.

    To honor National Nutrition Month this March, we spoke with Jasmin Dieb ’24DIP, a certificate student in the Nutrition and Dietetics Internship Program. Dieb discussed her passion for nutrition and how food forms health, community, and love.

  5. A graphic depicting salad vegetables in a circle in front of a person's stomach

    Despite all the hype about probiotics and detoxifying “gut resets,” scientists still do not have a general consensus regarding what constitutes a healthy gut. Professor of Nutrition Teresa Fung spoke with The Boston Globe about correlations between a healthy microbiome and a healthy diet.

  6. Two bowls of salad with dressing in bowls on the side.

    Health-conscious individuals gravitate toward greens, but they may be wary of the extra calories that salad dressing contains. “I don’t want people to worry about salad dressing to the point that they’re not eating the salad. Eat the salad,” Professor of Nutrition Teresa Fung told NBC’s

  7. Photo of Teresa Fung

    Every March, National Nutrition Month encourages Americans to reflect on the importance and transformative potential of healthy eating and exercise. Published every five years and based on cutting-edge nutrition research, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) provides nutritional advice for...

  8. Professor Teresa Fung

    Professor of Nutrition and Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics Teresa T. Fung, ScD, RDN has been recognized by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for her outstanding research. She spoke with us about this honor, her current research...

  9. Heather Zeman ’19MS

    Tell me about the kind of work that you do. I wear a few hats, which I love. My primary role is nutrition counseling at an interdisciplinary practice called Back Bay Health, where I empower athletes and active adults to...

  10. Headshot of Dietitian Dasha Agoulnik ’19DPD

    What made you choose to pursue your degree/major? I have always been interested in how our bodies work. I did my undergraduate degree in biology at UMass Amherst and thought I may be a doctor. I like understanding the biochemistry...