Chemistry Learning Outcomes


All our graduates will be able to: 

  • Maintain the integrity of data and demonstrate ethical and professional standards, in accordance with the American Chemical Society guidelines for professional conduct, which include familiarization with safety and health hazards, the prompt and proper documentation of experiments and data in laboratory notebooks, and the ethical, and legal implications associated with their research.
  • Act in a highly ethical and professional capacity as a scientist in the articulation, evaluation, and employment of methods and chemicals that are benign for human health and the environment, and to understand their responsibility to the health, safety and environmental impacts of their work, to recognize the constraints of limited resources, and to develop sustainable products and processes that protect the health, safety, and prosperity of future generations.

Performance Based Skills

All our graduates will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Design chemical experiments, properly carry out the experiments, troubleshoot experiments, appropriately record and interpret the results, and recognize what constitutes “reasonable” data 
  • Use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments.
  • Follow proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals. 
  • Communicate the concepts and results of laboratory experiments through effective writing and oral communication skills.
  • Use computers in data acquisition and processing, while using available software as a tool for data analysis. 
  • Employ modern library research tools to locate and retrieve scientific information about a topic, chemical, chemical technique, or an issue related to chemistry. 


All our graduates will:

  • Maintain the integrity of data and demonstrate ethical and professional standards, in accordance with the American Chemical Society guidelines for professional conduct.
  • Act in a highly ethical and professional capacity as a scientist in the articulation, evaluation, and employment of methods and chemicals that are benign for human health and the environment, which include but are not limited to the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, the 12 Principles of Green Engineering, and the Principles of Global Sustainability (as set forth by the Report of the Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, in 1987).
  • Successfully pursue personal career objectives following graduation. These may include an advanced education in professional or graduate school, a scientific career in government or industry, a career in teaching, or a related career. 
  • Function successfully as a part of a team, exhibit good citizenship in group interactions, and be an active contributor to group projects.