BA in Humanities

The Humanities major is a multidisciplinary bachelor of arts (BA) degree program that encompasses all the humanities at Simmons – from art and history to modern languages, literature, writing, and philosophy.

An art installation featuring many small paintings done for an artist talk with Abhilasha Natarajan

Humanities is a broad, multidisciplinary field

By studying Humanities at Simmons you will have the opportunity to explore history, philosophy, literature, modern languages, and art, just to name a few.

What can you do with a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities?

A bachelor's degree in Humanities from Simmons will prepare you for any profession that requires strong critical thinking and communication skills and knowledge of humanity in its multiple forms of expression. Higher education experts emphasize the on-going value of the study of the humanities, particularly to 21st century career readiness. Studies show that increasing numbers of employers seek not just technical skills, but also humanistic and liberal arts-oriented capabilities, that have become essential for the current knowledge-based economy and prepare future generations of visionaries and leaders committed to social justice.

The Humanities major is an excellent foundation for pursuing a variety of careers, including:

  • Government
  • Law
  • Online media, newspapers, and magazines
  • Colleges and universities
  • K-12 schools
  • Community and school libraries
  • Museums and arts agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Research institutes
  • Advertising agencies

Learning Objectives of the Humanities Major

As a Humanities major at Simmons you will be able to develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding of the humanistic disciplines in their common aims and themes;
  • Critical thinking and argumentation skills applied in the humanities;
  • Writing skills as they are applied in the humanities;
  • An appreciation of the global scope of the humanities;
  • Knowledge and understanding of the aims, themes, and methods that are specific to art, history, literatures and languages, writing, and philosophy;
  • Research methods in the humanities and/or working skills based on an education in the humanities.

General Requirements

  • 10 courses/40 Credits in the humanities (ART, FREN, HIST, HUM, LTWR, PHIL, and SPAN) or cross-listed (AST, WGST, POLS) or affiliated with the humanities (AADM, CHL)
  • At least two courses must be at the 200-level or above
  • At least two courses must be at the 300-level or above
  • No more than three courses can be in any one humanities discipline
  • Courses may not count to fulfill different categories

Distribution of Courses

CATEGORY I:  Introduction to the  Humanities

  • Required:  HUM 100:  Introduction to the Humanities

CATEGORY 2:  Critical Thinking and Argumentation

Take one of the following:

  • PHIL 122:  Real-Life Logic
  • PHIL 123:  Symbolic Logic 

CATEGORY 3: Public Humanities Writing

  • Required: LTWR 103: Public Humanities Writing

CATEGORY 4: Global Humanities

  • Take one KCA Global Historical course in the humanities that focuses on a culture or history outside of the US 

CATEGORY 5: Artistic Literacy

  • Take one ART course or take AADM 143: Boston Arts in Action 

CATEGORY 6:  Literatures and Languages

  • Take one course in LTWR*, SPAN,* FRENCH, or take CHL 313: Survey of Literature for Children and Young Adults

CATEGORY 7: Historical Perspectives

  • Take one HIST* course 

CATEGORY 8: Philosophical Thinking 

  • Take one PHIL course

CATEGORY 9: Elective in the Humanities 

  • Take one course of your preference in the humanities or cross-listed with a humanities course


Take one of the following:

  • HUM 350: Independent Study
  • HUM 355: Humanities Seminar
  • HUM 370: Humanities Internship

*Pre-requisite courses in other humanities majors

  • LTWR 199: Approaches to Literature is a pre-requisite for 300-level LTWR courses
  • SPAN 245: Conversation & Composition is a pre-requisite for 200-300 level SPAN courses 
  • Two HIST courses are pre-requisites for HIST Seminars

Spotlight on Humanities Students and Alums

The periodic table of elements.

STEM Student Receives Research Scholarship from American Chemical Society

Biochemistry major and Literature and Writing minor Reagan Cleversey ’26 received the competitive James Flack Norris / Theodore William Richards Summer Research Scholarship from the American Chemical Society. She spoke with us about her passion for medicinal chemistry and the importance of mentorship.

Tessa Culhane ’24

Writing Speculative Fiction and Leading from Within

An interview with Tessa Culhane ’24 What are the most impactful things you have done over the last four years? In the last four years, I graduated from Cape Cod Community College with my Associate’s in Business Administration, and will...

Hannah Ibañez ’13

Advocating for Fallen Angels in the City of Angels

Hannah Ibañez ’13 is a Level 2 Public Defender in Los Angeles who was appointed to the United States Access Board by President Joe Biden. She spoke with us about her passion for social justice, her love of philosophy, and her fondest memories of Simmons.

Photos of the six award winners

Undergraduate Recipients of 2023 Senior Scholar Award

Six seniors across the University have been selected as recipients of the 2023 Senior Scholar Award, in recognition of outstanding scholarship and contribution to a field of study.

Passionate Leaders Project Students Spring 2023

Passionate Leaders Project: Spring 2023 Cohort

The Passionate Leaders Project (PLP) supports Simmons undergraduates by enriching their academic and professional interests beyond the confines of the classroom. Students may request up to $4,000 to support their research, internships, and creative endeavors. This semester's cohort is producing...

Photo of Kate Clifford Larson

Kate Clifford Larson ’80 ’95MA Writes History through the Eyes of Women

Historian Kate Clifford Larson '80 '95MA is the author of Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero (2003, Penguin Random House), The Assassin's Accomplice: Mary Surratt and the Plot to Kill Abraham Lincoln (2008, Basic...

Simmons Student walking on a snowy path

Adjunct Anita Silvey Reflects on Snowflake Bentley

It's snowflake season in New England, and beyond. In honor of the chilly landscape, we asked SLIS and Children's Literature Adjunct Anita Silvey to discuss a particular book from her publishing career: Snowflake Bentley. This book, written by Jacqueline Briggs...

Evelyn Bernard '20

Evelyn Bernard ’20 Inspires Young Students as Montessori School Teacher

Recent graduate Evelyn Bernard shares her experience teaching at a Montessori school, which introduces students to an ethical worldview at a young age. Tell us about the kind of work that you do. I am a lead Children's House teacher...