Parent and Family Orientation
We are delighted that your student has decided to attend Simmons and join our community.
Parent and Family Orientation
We are delighted to welcome your student to campus for First Bite Orientation. First Bite Orientation is mandatory for all incoming first-year students.
We know that you will continue to play an important role in your student's education, and we are committed to providing you with the resources and information you need to support their endeavors.
June Orientation will feature programming for students as well as parents/guardians (be sure to note the number of parents/guardians on the registration form).
The program will run from 9am-4:30pm. Check your email for day-of details!
Drop off/Transportation
- If you are being dropped off, please plan to be dropped off at 54 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA (the address of our residential campus).
- If someone is dropping you off, please note that parking is not allowed in any lot on the Simmons Residential Campus. All students must be dropped off along the curbside of Pilgrim Road.
- If you are driving yourself, please drive to 86-96 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA. This is the address of the parking garage on the Academic Campus.
- Please take a ticket upon entry. You will need to scan this ticket when you leave!
- After parking in the garage, please make your way to the Residential Campus at 54 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA
- Once you return to the Residential Campus and check-in for Parent & Family Orientation, you will receive a complimentary parking pass that will allow you to exit the parking garage at no cost - this is valid for one-time use only.
- If you are taking public transit, Simmons University is close to the following Green Line stops: Fenway, Museum of Fine Arts, and Longwood Medical Area.
- Check-in is located in the Holmes Sports Center on the Residential Campus, 54 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA
- At check-in, you will receive a complimentary parking voucher as needed, a program, and a special gift!
- Check-in will be divided alphabetically by last name.
What to Bring
- Comfy shoes
- Water bottle
- Rain jacket, just in case!
- Small backpack or bag recommended

June 2024 Orientation Program
Get your copy of the June 2024 First Bite Orientation Program!
Stay Informed
Stay informed about campus engagement, academic, and wellness resources by subscribing to the Student Affairs parent and family mailing list.
To Join
Send an email requesting to join to [email protected].
To Leave
Send an email requesting to leave to [email protected] or use the unsubscribe link in the emails.

Protecting Our Community
Simmons University looks forward to a vibrant reopening of campus as we welcome back students, faculty, and staff. Our top priority continues to be the health and wellbeing of our community. Please continue to check back for the latest news and updates for undergraduates and faculty & staff.