General Studies: Online

An online bachelor's degree completion program
Organizations everywhere value ethical leaders, innovative problem solvers, and effective communicators. Our online general studies bachelor’s degree program prepares adult learners, who have previously earned college credit, to complete their bachelor’s degree and take on these roles. As a student in the online program, you will learn to think globally, critically, and practically about contemporary issues — and you will graduate prepared to solve complex problems for your organization.
In live, face-to-face classes with expert Simmons faculty, you will improve your planning, presentation, and organizational skills in project management and organizational behavior courses; hone your critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills during courses about social inequalities and global science change; and leverage these tools to launch or continue your career trajectory.
The online Bachelor of Arts in General Studies curriculum merges your previous undergraduate coursework and work experience with various educational disciplines. You’ll develop core competencies that employers value in the workplace such as communication, critical thinking, organization, problem-solving, and intercultural understanding. In your online courses and during a capstone project, you will learn to think globally, critically, and practically about contemporary issues — and you will graduate prepared to advance your career as you competently solve a wide range of problems for your organization.