Peter Botticelli

Associate Professor and Director, Cultural Heritage Informatics Concentration

Peter Botticelli has a doctorate in history from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.S.I. degree with a concentration in archives and records management from the University of Michigan School of Information. His most recent position was at University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science, where he directed the school's Digital Information Management (DigIn) graduate certificate program. Previously, he held research positions at Cornell University Library, the University of Michigan, and Harvard Business School. He has taught graduate courses on digital libraries, digital curation, scholarly communication, and digital preservation and has published research in history and archival studies.

What I Teach

  • LIS 441 Appraisal of Archives and Manuscripts
  • LIS 448 Digital Stewardship
  • LIS 477 Digital Asset Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums