Department of Philosophy

The mission of the Simmons University Department of Philosophy is to provide undergraduate women with a philosophical education that can prepare them for the graduate studies or jobs of their choice. The American Philosophical Association (APA) Statements on the Profession: The Teaching of Philosophy defines philosophical education in the following terms:

The development of an appreciation and grasp of philosophical methods, issues and traditions is an important part…and another is the cultivation of students' analytical, critical, interpretive and evaluative abilities in thinking about a variety of kinds of problems, historical texts, and issues, both 'philosophical' and commonplace.

The mission of the Simmons University Department of Philosophy adheres to the APA principles of philosophical education.

Bright Sunny Campus shot of grass with the MCB in the background

Philosophy at Simmons

The study of philosophy is a reflective consideration of life's deepest issues, and cultivates a sensitivity to values, to systems of thought, and to other people.

At Simmons, we emphasize that philosophy is not "for academics only." The study of philosophy helps one to analyze positions and communicate clearly in speech and writing.These skills can be profitably applied anywhere.

As a student of philosophy, you will be prepared for many disciplines and professions. Our majors and minors have gone on in law, business, social work, medicine, education and writing, as well as in philosophy. Admissions and personnel officers look favorably upon a philosophy major as a sign of a well-rounded individual with carefully developed analytical skills.

Philosophy provides excellent preparation for any profession. When you visit Simmons, we hope you will stop by the department to meet us.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge of key problems and theories concerning identity, self-knowledge, and the meaning of life in world philosophies.
  2. Knowledge of the basic theory and standard methods of analysis and evaluation in (mathematical or informal) logic.
  3. Knowledge of a variety of ethical theories across world traditions.
  4. Knowledge of applied philosophy in areas of practical concern, such as medicine, the environment, and social media.
  5. In-depth understanding of particular philosophical problems, domains, or positions.


Wanda Torres Gregory photo

Wanda Torres Gregory

Professor and Department Chair of Philosophy